General Information

Bhutan App is the property of the Royal Society for STEM. The app is free to use for all the citizens of Bhutan.

What personal information do we collect?

Personal information collected by Bhutan App is limited to what is on held in public records. Other information pertaining to the user may be drawn from usage records of the app. No part of the information collected will be shared or used for profit.

What permissions do we ask and why?

Camera: Bhutan App requires access to the device's camera to scan QR codes and take photos for profile image.

Storage: This permission allows Bhutan app to access devices's storage mainly the gallery for selecting image to upload.

How does the app work?

Users can download Bhutan App from Google Play Store for Android devices or Apple's App store for iOS devices. app, users can participate in various events such as National Day celebrations and also other citizen services which may be available in future.

How do we use your information?

Information will be used to verify your identity and contact if necessary. We do not share our data with any third-parties unless governed by the Law of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

Can you delete your account?

You may request us through the app in Settings->Feedback and we should be able to comply your request.

Alternatively you may also contact us through our email but we will need to verify your identity using alternate method.

Note that once we remove your account, we will not be able to retain your profile.


Any personal details of the users that the app may collect will NOT be made public.

Dispute Resolution

Any disputes or claims arising from using the services will be settled through alternative dispute resolution in accordance with the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of Bhutan 2013.